Friday, June 29, 2012

The Alphabet Challenge: 'H'

I'm Southern. I was born in Georgia, raised in Florida and Georgia, and I don't like most of the food that the South is known for. Deserts are pretty much the only part of the Southern cuisine I enjoy and, luckily for me, that's a big part of our food pyramid. Pies are one of the gifts of the South that the rest of the world (and I) can appreciate and mini pies are at the height of this culture... plus they're just too cute to resist~ I sought out a recipe for a batch of blueberry handpies that will make my blueberry-aficionado father frolic with delight. In my hunt, I found this recipe ( by Kristin Rosenau from Pastry Affair and I actually stuck to this one, this time. It's a beautiful recipe and the only thing I disliked was how leaky they were. I'm sure there's a way to get around that, but my pies were surrounded with bubbly juices that solidified into a fun gummy blueberry mess that I spent too much time playing with... I turned it into a thumb glove! It was great! But I'll probably make this with peaches next time and seal the edges more forcefully. Overall, brilliant, trustworthy, delicious, and not the most complicated mini pie recipe I've ever tried. While fresh and warm, I even forgot that I don't like blueberries~

Peace, love, and fruit-gloves,

P.S. if you ever get grief from a pie crust, just SCRAP it. Stop, Control your anger, Roll it up, Allow it to cool down in the fridge, and be Patient. You'll save the crust and a few brain cells.

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