Monday, May 21, 2012

The Alphabet Challenge

Hello, Foodies everywhere! I'm Aubrey, a very quirky, adventuresome teenager with some unusual hobbies, one of which is cooking. See, cooking and baking is somewhat therapeutic for me; on more than one occasion, I have come home from school, stressed to tears, and all I wanted to do was bake. The problem is, I also want to cook when I'm bored or lonely, so this summer is going to be a living hell for my family (mainly my mother) who has to put up with my daily "Mommy, can I make something today?" Since school just ended on Friday, I've decided to put some method into this madness and have a plan for the summer where I cook something for every letter of the alphabet by the time school starts on August 13. I shall name it "The Alphabet Challenge". Subtracting the 16 days of vacation plus bandcamp, that means I have 76 days to do this if I start today. Using the English alphabet of 26 letters, I can allot approximately 1 recipe per 3 days except for 1 more that I'll have to squeeze in there somehow. So, one day for prior notice to my mum, one day for cooking plus pictures, and one day to make the post. Should keep me busy. I would be elated to see some followers participating in the challenge as well! Also, expect to see a few friends/assistants on some of the more exciting recipes, since cooking is a lot less job-like when you're not alone. "A" will be up in a day or two!

Peace, love, and frosting,

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